Ariane wrote:
No Scharffenberger at Bloomingfoods, though?
None back in the cooking aisle. Only Ghirardelli there. There might
have been some up towards the front on the shelves with chocolate
candy bars, which is where they had the Lindt's, but I'm spooked at
the thought of putting candy bars in my candy. In cooking there are
general mixtures such as semisweet, milk, bittersweet, and unsweet-
ened, which gives me a warm fuzzy for what I'm getting. All bets are
off with buying candy bar chocolate. I'm not saying I couldn't make
it work, but I think it would take a commitment to several experiments
with that type of chocolate, whereas going from one type of semi-
sweet to another, I can assume some amount of across-the-board
Thank you for pointing me to Bloomingfoods and the Sahara, Ariane.
I have not been able to make it to Sahara again to check on their
chocolate selections. I have just about decided that my best bet in
the long run will be to order bulk online. I think I will try some
from Chocosphere. I still need to convince my that there is better
chocolate out there than the Nestle's I have grown up with. Haha!