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Michael Odom
Posts: n/a

On 6 Feb 2005 02:53:03 -0600, "Bob" >

>That all sounds FANTASTIC! I'm really going to have to try your okra
>techniques sometime; I used to eat okra a lot. I don't mind the slime, but
>variety is nice too, and I haven't eaten okra for a year or more. Speaking
>of food that oozes, have you tried cactus pads (nopales)? They're like green
>beans with lemon; for some reason I thought they would have fit into this
>meal nicely.

I cooked some years ago, but didn't get very satisfactory results.
Porbably should try again.
>Regarding the cinnamon basil honey, you could mix it with some soy and lemon
>juice (or other acidic citrusy-flavored stuff) and use it on grilled
>skewered beef, chicken, or firm fish.

Yes, it took me a while to get a fix on the stuff, but it seems to me
that quasi-Asian stuff with sour, salt and hot to balance the sweet is
the way to go.


"Dallas is a rich man with a death wish in his eyes."
-- Jimmie Dale Gilmore