"cher" > wrote in message
> > Last I knew, it's called a drain in the UK.<
> Is it???? good grief, and I was born and bred here believing that the
> is the outside bit....the hole in the sink with the plug in it leading to
> the drain, a plug hole. I must try to let everyone here in England know
> we've all been wrong all these years, and that those of us using this
> must now use the U.S. term of drain.. Although I expect some do use
> depending on how long they've lived in England, and what part they come
> from.
ROTFL...amen, Cher....
Although I also should note that I have a good friend who
recently moved to the U.S. from Greenock, Scotland, and I
have occasionally (when we're both in the S.F. Bay area, attending
the meetings of a standards group we both attend) been pressed
into service as a translator for him - going between his version
of the Queen's English and Californian (which is another very
distinct dialect all its own...:-)).
The joys of being two peoples, forever separated by a "common"
> >>English Major in me<<
Well, possibly the American English major....
Bob M.