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Having brewed quite a variety of beer at home, I can say that quite a
few kinds do improve in the bottle for the first few weeks. Also, If
you're trying to say that Bud, Guinness, and Fuller's ESB all taste the
same from a bottle, then your taste buds are dead. Your loss. BTW,
technically speaking, the brew phase occurs BEFORE fermentation, so
drinking freshly brewed beer would be synonymous with drinking
non-alcoholic beer. After brewing, the yeast(s) are added, and the
fermentation process takes a bit of time. Drinking beer during this
period would be nasty (low alcohol, still too much sugar, and very
yeasty flavor, as the yeast is still alive and working magic.) Some
beers even finish fermenting in the bottle, so they aren't even
finished until they have spent a bit of time in the bottle.
Dean G.
People who drink light "beer" don't like the taste of beer; they just
like to pee a lot.