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Default The Death of Braeburn Apples

For years, there was no apple that I wanted to eat.

The red Delicious apple was a firm, but tasteless joke.

The Granny Smith apples were tasty, but not crisp.

Finally, the perfect apple was produced: the Braeburn.

It was everything I wanted in an apple.

However, I've noticed a horrible trend in the last 2 years:
Braeburns are getting bigger.

They've almost tripled in size, and the color has changed. They're
getting candy-apple red, & the size of melons.

This wouldn't be so bad except they are getting sweeter & mushier.
It's as if they're trying to create an apple that has the shallow
sugar-water taste of a Delicious & the mushy consistency of a Granny

They've almost achieved it. Now once more, those space-aliens
masquerading as humans who enjoy Red Delicous apples will have one more
Delicious clone that they can purchase. They can fill their shopping
carts with these rather frightening mutant fruits.

The rest of us, I guess, will go back to waiting for the corporate
orchards to realize that they've ruined one more breed of apple by
improving it.

I've heard a rumor that only the French Braeburns are like this, & the
New Zealand ones are still normal. If so, then thank you, France,
you've gotten your revenge for EuroDisney.