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I know a fair few People from Scotland. My first experience was when I'd
offered a friends dad a cuppa, and he had said yes. So I got the tea, and
gave it to him, offering him the biscuit barrel, he shook his head, and
waved it away, saying something that sounded like, wye eye naw akkapeice
lassy, took me ages to work out what it was he was saying, and when I
finally got through his broad accent, and repeated to him.. ''Piece? Piece
of what?''
looking dumbfounded, my friend then came back from the bathroom and said,
'Auck dunne mynde heem noooo .. tis a piece of bread with jame on it lassy'
I'd never heard of it before, but apparently he'd been brought up to accept
a cuppa with a jam sandwich....I had to chuckle at this, and now understood
why he'd refused the biscuit barrel. LOL.

Keep on wok~ing.....Cher

> > ROTFL...amen, Cher....<

> Although I also should note that I have a good friend who
> recently moved to the U.S. from Greenock, Scotland, and I
> have occasionally (when we're both in the S.F. Bay area, attending
> the meetings of a standards group we both attend) been pressed
> into service as a translator for him - going between his version
> of the Queen's English and Californian (which is another very
> distinct dialect all its own...:-)).<<<
> The joys of being two peoples, forever separated by a "common"
> language....;-)<<

> Well, possibly the American English major....
> Bob M.