Margaret Suran > wrote:
> Bubba, Marcel and I had to do it in self defense. Up to that point
> you had taken care of every restaurant bill.
Complete and utter nonsense! You paid for most of the meals and I could
do nothing about it.
> Tomorrow is Fasching.
Fasching/Karneval started some time ago. Last Thursday, it was
Altweiberfastnacht, as you know. Today is Rosenmontag, traditionally
the next-to-last day of the festivities. In some regions, Rhineland
including, it is a holiday for most people.
> Do people in Germany and Austria still eat
> Faschingskrapfen for this holiday?
I wouldn't really know, since I almost never eat those kinds of things
at any time. However, Faschingskrapfen are certainly not unknown around
here, even if they are perhaps better known as 'Berliner'.