Rona Yuthasastrakosol > wrote:
> I used a fluted pastry cutter to make my little circles of dough, since
> I had no other. They were pretty circles, if nothing else.
Circles! Yeah, that's the way!
> Once filled, I boiled them, scooped them out, dried them on a kitchen towel
> and froze them--all except for two.
I would have frozen them raw - they keep beautifully and don't have to
be cooked twice.
> One monster one (equal to about 2
> pirohy) that I made to use up the dough, and one just because I didn't one
> the monster one to be lonely. I browned some butter (unintentionally) with
> some onions, and sauteed the pirohy in it.
You are a heathen! Feh!
> As Barb reminded me via e-mail, I was supposed to have bathed the cooked
> pirohy in butter and onions.
Cook onions in butter and bathe boiled pirohy in them, not fried ones.
> Pics if you're interested!
Such nice-looking half-moon-shaped little fellows!