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Charles Gifford
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"Tess" > wrote in message
> Hiya : )
> Somewhere else I mentioned about going to Mt. Airy, N.C. as a side trip.

> a BBQ fiend ( just Love pulled pork ), and almost all BBQ sauces, as well.

> understand that they're Really Big on BBQ in the Carolinas, too. Well, I
> live in The Deep South, and the only kinds of BBQ sauce I've ever had were
> the tomato-based kind.
> Okay, last October I went to Disney World. Over in Animal Kingdom there's

> placed called "Flame Tree BBQ", and it's really something special. I mean,
> for theme park food, it is *really* good 'Q, almost as good as we get

> And there are all kinds, of course, regionally speaking.
> Now, they have *two* kinds of BBQ sauce there, and you can buy bottles of
> it. One is the tomato-based kind ( darned good, too ), and the other one
> is - can you see this coming? - "Carolina Sauce", which is mustard-based.
> Well, I gave it a try, but wasn't wild about it.
> Right, here are the questions : Does anybody have a recipe for it so I can
> see what's in it? What are the chances that maybe it was just theme-parky
> sauce, and the kind I'll find in N.C. will be better? Does anybody like

> or is it just me? I figured, when in Rome ... or in this case, Charlotte

: )
> Thanks for Ye Olde Input ~
> - Tess

There is no particular sauce for the Carolinas. There isn't even a sauce for
N.C. and S.C. In North Carolina there are Eastern, Western, and Piedmont.
In South Carolina there are Eastern, Western and Charlotte (tomato based).
More divisions are possible. The Carolinas are the highest point for BBQ
(IMO). There is also the matter of "rubs" and "finishing sauces". Here are a
couple that I like. Don't forget that Carolina BBQ is pork!


North Carolina: Eastern Style

4 c cider vinegar
1/4 c brown sugar
3 tb salt
1 tb red pepper flakes
1 1/2 ts cayenne
1 ts pepper


South Central Carolina Gold

1 1/2 c mustard
5 tb brown sugar
4 tb tomato paste
3 tb apple cider vinegar
1tb Worcestershire Sauce
1/2 ts cayenne
1/2 ts black pepper
1/2 t garlic powder

1. Combine and simmer for about 5 minutes to. dissolve sugar. Important tip:
Don't overcook.