"Damsel in dis Dress" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 06 Feb 2005 00:05:02 GMT, Dog3 > wrote:
> >Damsel in dis Dress > wrote in
> :
> >>
> >> Dad's IQ was somewhere in the 140s. Pretty smart guy.
> >
> >So you come from mensa stock huh?
> >
> >Michael <- envious
> Yeah, I'm the idiot of the family. Mine's around 132. It was enough to
> qualify for Mensa, but just barely.
> They administer two tests. The first one, you fill in the circles in the
> test booklet. The next one, we spent 5 minutes filling out our names and
> stuff on an answer sheet. I went ahead and marked up the test booklet
> instead of the answer sheet. DUH! The guy who administered the test had
> to transcribe all my answers to the answer sheet, and throw the booklet
> away.
> Like I said, I qualified, but barely. LOL!
> Mom was also very smart, but not in the 140s. She bragged about Dad. He
> was an Electric Engineer. She was a Medical Technician.
> Carol
About 10 years ago I went through a series of these tests. As someone who is
bi-polar it was interesting to see how my emotional range changed my
"intelligence". I took tests when I was depressed, stable, and slightly
manic. Being manic helps! I scored between 142 and 150+. The psychologists
estimated that I was normally around 146-150. Being manic makes these tests
easier - but not worth it. <sigh> The worst I ever scored was 30 years ago,
before I was diagnosed, when I was depressed to the point of being suicidal.
My University made me take a bunch of tests including almost everything
available at the time. They concluded that my "IQ was 136, my aptitude was
to be a baker, and I was a screw-up. They got the screw-up part right.
Charlie, not a maniac at the moment