"Darryl" > wrote in message
> For years, there was no apple that I wanted to eat.
> The red Delicious apple was a firm, but tasteless joke.
> The Granny Smith apples were tasty, but not crisp.
> Finally, the perfect apple was produced: the Braeburn.
> It was everything I wanted in an apple.
> However, I've noticed a horrible trend in the last 2 years:
> Braeburns are getting bigger.
> They've almost tripled in size, and the color has changed. They're
> getting candy-apple red, & the size of melons.
> This wouldn't be so bad except they are getting sweeter & mushier.
> It's as if they're trying to create an apple that has the shallow
> sugar-water taste of a Delicious & the mushy consistency of a Granny
> Smith.
1) For how many growing seasons have you noticed changes in the Braeburns?
2) Where do you live?
3) Do you know where the Braeburns are coming from?
4) If "yes" to #2, are you aware of any unusual weather conditions during
the growing season, in the place where they're grown?
and...perhaps irrelevant, depending on your response to #2:
5) Have you ever had Cortland apples?