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Doug Kanter
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The grocery store/florist-fruit basket version is not even fit to feed to
pigs. They continue to exist only because their skin is thick, so they store
well and look good.

"Steve B." > wrote in message
> The grocery store Red Delicious is indeed a joke, bred for size and color.
> Watch for a locally raised old fashioned red delicious. Try the farmers
> market. Red and yellow, not dark red or wine color. Delicious.
> And watch for a new hybrid, the Cameo. It is my current favorite.
> Steve
> Sharpening Made Easy: A Primer on Sharpening Knives and Other Edged Tools
> by Steve Bottorff
> Copyright January 2002 Knife World Publications
> Darryl wrote:
>> For years, there was no apple that I wanted to eat.
>> The red Delicious apple was a firm, but tasteless joke.
>> The Granny Smith apples were tasty, but not crisp.
>> Finally, the perfect apple was produced: the Braeburn.
>> It was everything I wanted in an apple.
>> However, I've noticed a horrible trend in the last 2 years:
>> Braeburns are getting bigger.
>> They've almost tripled in size, and the color has changed. They're
>> getting candy-apple red, & the size of melons.
>> This wouldn't be so bad except they are getting sweeter & mushier.
>> It's as if they're trying to create an apple that has the shallow
>> sugar-water taste of a Delicious & the mushy consistency of a Granny
>> Smith.
>> They've almost achieved it. Now once more, those space-aliens
>> masquerading as humans who enjoy Red Delicous apples will have one more
>> Delicious clone that they can purchase. They can fill their shopping
>> carts with these rather frightening mutant fruits.
>> The rest of us, I guess, will go back to waiting for the corporate
>> orchards to realize that they've ruined one more breed of apple by
>> improving it.
>> I've heard a rumor that only the French Braeburns are like this, & the
>> New Zealand ones are still normal. If so, then thank you, France,
>> you've gotten your revenge for EuroDisney.