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Default France calls for fresh start w/ USA--(Ha! it worked!)

Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
relationship with USA."
I haven't bought French wine, or other products for a year and a
half. I even found a Canadian Brie cheese. And "Rouge & Noir" Brie and
Camembert cheeses are made in Petaluma, California, (despite their
French name) and are rated equal to, and even better than French
cheeses. I won't forget the image of the French president hugging the
German Prime Minister and laughing. (Middle Eastern money planted in
French banks is said to be one reason.)
My daughter and I used to spend 2 weeks in France every year. No
more. And she and her husband are world travelers, and they skip
France now, too.
NY City restaurants have made pleas to customers to please help them
unload French wines that are just sitting on their shelves. Good!
Now they want to be "friends". Hm-m-m!