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Katra wrote:

> I know how you feel... :-)
> I wish I had the property to raise all my own meat!
> I do raise some poultry so I know that, not only has it been
> raised and slaughtered (I kill them myself and try to make it quick

> painless), I also know what they have been fed!
> I get free range beef whenever I can afford it.

I wish we could as well - I like to have control over what I eat - how
it is produced, killed, etc. I can't do the killing but DH can. We
have real concerns about BSE - haven't eaten beef since it was found
near hear a year and a half or so ago. Plus the factory farm/slaughter
industry in the US is just so barbaric/poorly regulated/inhumane. Been
buying some local (ish) humanely raised and slaughtered Buffalo,


> > I really need to be a fruititarian. ;P

> But you gotta plant all the seeds...... <lol>


> Seriously, you'd die of amino acid deficiencies.
> Infertile eggs at least are not really killing anything,

Oh, but many a "anti-choicer" might disagree...

> and eggs are a complete food. :-)
> I also feel no guilt over dairy products. Those cows
> are treated pretty well!

I have a problem with BGH. We try to buy organic milk.


> I understand and respect that. :-) I was just teasing you!

I know! ;D


> Oh poultry are SO cool!!!
> And this way, you know that the hens are treated well!
> Chickens are pretty easy, and if you have a large enclosed >yard, you

> easily protect them from predators. Mine are all "trained" to >go

into a
> closed henhouse at night to keep the racoons, possums and >ringtails

Ringtails? Lemurs? Whuuut?

> from them, and by day, they are running around in a large fenced

> If you want your own dairy products, goats are easier to keep and

> than cows. The La Mancha (Mexican earless goat) has the sweetest


Thanks for the info - I will store it away for when we buy our next
