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  #18 (permalink)   Report Post  
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On Mon, 07 Feb 2005 23:50:17 -0800, sf quoth:
> Western apples (even Washington St.) are a mere shadow of
> flavor compared to midwest apples. I don't have a clue what
> eastern apples are like, but they have to be better than
> western apples.

Are you distinguishing between the kinds of orchards producing the apples?
Apples picked for interstate or international shipping might be at a
different state of ripeness compared to apples picked for local sale?

One thing I look forward to every thanksgiving is going to the apple stand
in LaCrescent, Minnesota to get a huge bag of ultra-tasty apples.
One of the reasons they're so good is that you can sample all the 20+
varieties before purchase and they're all available in several size grades,
so you get exactly what you want.
