Chocolate, Red Wine, Garlic & Almonds
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Dan Birchall
Posts: n/a
(Leila) wrote:
> Summary:
> 1) Eat fish four times a week;
> 2) Drink 4-5 oz. of wine a day;
I don't drink alcohol, but dug around a bit and found that purple grape
juice has the same compounds from grape skins and seeds as wine, so it's
"almost" as beneficial.
> 3) Eat 100g (3-4 oz.) of dark chocolate a day;
This is actually the hardest part for me - that's a BIG bar of dark
chocolate, and I tend to buy high cocoa content organic fair-trade
stuff like Green & Black's, which isn't particularly cheap, so I've
grown accustomed to eating it a little bit at a time over several
days. Eating 100g in one day will be a challenge.
> 4) Eat 400g (14 oz.) of fruits and vegetables a day;
> 5) Eat 2.7g (a pinch) of garlic a day;
> 6) Eat 68g (2-3 oz.) of almonds a day.
Oh, the horror of having to eat all these foods I already like!
- The Chocolate Lovers' Page, established 1994.
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