In article .com>,
"-L." > wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> <snip>
> >
> > I know how you feel... :-)
> > I wish I had the property to raise all my own meat!
> > I do raise some poultry so I know that, not only has it been
> >humanely
> > raised and slaughtered (I kill them myself and try to make it quick
> and
> > painless), I also know what they have been fed!
> >
> > I get free range beef whenever I can afford it.
> I wish we could as well - I like to have control over what I eat - how
> it is produced, killed, etc. I can't do the killing but DH can. We
> have real concerns about BSE - haven't eaten beef since it was found
> near hear a year and a half or so ago. Plus the factory farm/slaughter
> industry in the US is just so barbaric/poorly regulated/inhumane. Been
> buying some local (ish) humanely raised and slaughtered Buffalo,
> though.
Well, if you want red meat, there are always goats! Goat or lamb is
excellent. Try the rack of lamb sometime at Outback steak house! OH my
gods it's SO good!!!!!!!
Emu is also red meat. I have 5 of them and they are not that hard to
raise if you have the space.
Beef is ok, but there are plenty of alternatives.
> <snip>
> > > I really need to be a fruititarian. ;P
> >
> > But you gotta plant all the seeds...... <lol>
> LOL...
> >
> > Seriously, you'd die of amino acid deficiencies.
> > Infertile eggs at least are not really killing anything,
> Oh, but many a "anti-choicer" might disagree...
No rooster, no fertility.
The egg is nothing but a food product.
> > and eggs are a complete food. :-)
> > I also feel no guilt over dairy products. Those cows
> > are treated pretty well!
> I have a problem with BGH. We try to buy organic milk.
Oh yeah! I know what you mean!
I don't think it's as common as all that.
It was causing a LOT of problems in the cows,
so farmers got away from it.
Monsanto can't force them to use it!
And there is often a milk surpluss. There really is no point in using
that crap. :-P
There used to be some local daries but they closed down. :-( We used
mostly cheese, yogurt and cottage cheese. Man I hope I'm not getting
that stuff! I have enough hormonal problems!
> <snip>
> > I understand and respect that. :-) I was just teasing you!
> >
> I know! ;D
> <snip>
> > Oh poultry are SO cool!!!
> > And this way, you know that the hens are treated well!
> >
> > Chickens are pretty easy, and if you have a large enclosed >yard, you
> can
> > easily protect them from predators. Mine are all "trained" to >go
> into a
> > closed henhouse at night to keep the racoons, possums and >ringtails
> Ringtails? Lemurs? Whuuut?
Ringtail cats. An animal that is local and is in the weasel family. I've
not had TOO much trouble with them, but have had 2 come in and had to
trap them! I normally shoot predators but these are too damned cute to
kill! <sigh> I took them out to the lake and released them...
Oops! I thought they were related to weasels! This article says they are
related to racoons! :-) Gotta love Google...
> >away
> > from them, and by day, they are running around in a large fenced
> area.
> >
> > If you want your own dairy products, goats are easier to keep and
> milk
> > than cows. The La Mancha (Mexican earless goat) has the sweetest
> milk.
> Thanks for the info - I will store it away for when we buy our next
> property...
I did goats back in FFA in high school. :-) Avoid Alpines! They have the
strongest milk. Nubians are very personable but noisy, and have the
highest butterfat content if you want to make butter, but the milk is
still rather strong. Saanens are the largest and have the most milk
production but again, it still tastes like goats milk.
Our teacher told us that the La Manchas have the sweetest milk. I never
owned any, they were _very_ expensive to aquire, but this was back in
the 70's. :-)
I had Nubians and one Saanen. I've tasted Alpine milk! Ick! :-P That
goat is only popular because it's tough as a range goat. They are just
fine for meat production.
> -L.
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
As we go through life thinking heavy thoughts, thought particles
tend to get caught between the ears causing truth decay- so be sure
to use mental floss twice a day.
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra