Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> Circles of dough? CIRCLES? I believe my instructions say to cut
> squares. What the hell are you doing?
Circles are more fun :-). And as you can tell by my pirohy-filling skills,
that I used circles made no difference at all in the final product! They
still look triangular! And I'm cutting challenged--I wouldn't have gotten
squares, I would have gotten some kind of weird parallelogram that would
have been hell to fill. You should have seen the pate brisee I rolled out
for my little pastry leaves and sticks. I think my teacher was getting a
bit frustrated with me. She kept saying, "Massugu! Massugu!" (Roll it
straight, roll it straight!). But I was rolling it straight! But I still
ended up with some weird geometric shape. Biscuit cutters are a gift!
> don't hold your breath. Hope the dough doesn't stick to itself and
> that they will separate when it comes time to take them from the
> Tilia bags.
I froze them individually, as one might freeze berries. Actually, I was too
lazy to remove them from my cookie-sheet lay-out, so I just stuck them in
the freezer, as is. They stuck a bit to the kitchen towel when I tried to
remove them, but none broke when removed. My Tilia is still on the fritz
(for those interested, don't leave your Tilia plugged in for a month--it's
not a good thing) so I put them in baggies, no sticking, whatsoever! I
already cooked two batches--browned in butter, eaten with onions and
Johnsonville Polish sausage. Yum!
> They look beautifully triangular to me.
> Circles??? I'm crushed.
But they look triangular! And in the long run, it's the looks that count!
(So says the slave to the fashion fairy)
rona :-)
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"[America] is filled with people who decided not to live in Europe. We
had people who really wanted to live in Europe, but didn't have the
energy to go back. We call them Canadians." ---Grover Norquist in
Newsweek, November 22, 2004