In article >, Dog3 > wrote:
>"Bob Myers" > wrote in
>> The point was, though, that there are quite a few places on Earth
>> that call their currency "dollars" (not necessarily 1:1 equivalent to
>> U.S. dollars, mind you, but they still use the name) and/or use the
>> "$" symbol for references to their own currency. About the only
FWIW, if you want to be unambiguous you can always use the standard
abbreviations for the various world currencies (e.g. "USD" for the US$
and "AUD" for the Aussie version).
You can find the full list as at 27 Jan 2005 at:
>> one I've seen that specifically distinguishes their dollar in everyday
>> use is Taiwan, where the New Taiwan Dollar is most often indicated
>> by "NT$" (probably because of their close ties to the U.S., and a
>> fairly strong American presence at any given time).
>I have been chastised and rebuked
At least I learned something today,
>although not about food.
>Dinner tonight is going to be Modom's Potato Soup with Poblano from the RFC
I actually had something faintly similar last night -- but a bit less
trouble to "cook". ;-)
1. Diced a medium spud and zapped it with a bit of water (10 ml?) in a
cup in the microwave for 2 minutes.
2. Chopped up (sort of "diced") a stick of celery.
3. Opened a can of "Creamy Potato and Leak" soup and mixed with a can
of milk as instructed "for a richer, creamier soup".
4. Tossed in the spud and the celery and zapped for about 3 minutes.
5. Stirred and zapped again for 2 or 3 minutes.
6. Stirred and served. (Actually a bit too much, so reserved some for
an even easier snack today.

7. Finished with a large (ca. 650 g) fresh mango for dessert -- it was
the last of my latest crop, which was both a bit sad and a blessed
relief after several weeks of cleaning up the damn things knocked down
barely chewed to half eaten by bloody flying fox.
>cookbook. I'll be making a plain mixed green salad with Gawd only knows
>what dressing I come up with. The salad will have onion, a bit of garlic,
>sliced radish, cucumber, tomato and blanched baby asparagus. Crusty bread
>and for dessert, I bought a ton of fruit today. I'm going to make a fruit
>torte or flan. Probably the flan but I have to find a recipe for it. I lost
>From Modom and taken from the RFC cookbook.
>1 can (480ml)(I'm using my own, I have some on hand) reduced salt
> chicken broth
>1 pint milk (480ml)
>4-5 medium small potatoes, cut into small dice
>1/2 poblane chile, minced
>2-3 tablespoons basil olive oil
>1 teaspoon of minced tasso
> a few cumin seeds
> several turns of black pepper
>Heat the oil in a pot and toss in the cumin. Add the potatoes and poblano.
>Fry it all till the potatoes just begin to get a little color. Add the
>tasso. Add the chicken stock and bring to a boil. Add the milk and the
>pepper. Return to a strong simmer till the potatoes are done--only a couple
>of minutes.
Cheers, Phred.