nancree wrote:
> Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
> Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
> relationship with USA."
That's an interesting take on it, since it was Rice who went to Europe to
try to mend the rift that happened after Germany and France refused to
participate in Bush's war on Saddam when they remained unconvinced that
there was enough evidence of WMDs to justify an invasion. I realize that
it is hard for some people to admit that they were wrong, but it's been
almost two years and no WMDs were found. France and Germany had every
reason not to participate in this dirty little war. Friends try no to let
their friends make fools of themselves.
> I haven't bought French wine, or other products for a year and a
> half. I even found a Canadian Brie cheese. And "Rouge & Noir" Brie and
> Camembert cheeses are made in Petaluma, California, (despite their
> French name) and are rated equal to, and even better than French
> cheeses.
Perhaps this is where the genius of Bush's economic program makes itself
clear. By running the economy into the ground he has forced the value of
the US dollar to plummet. As a result, many Americans can no longer afford
to buy European imports or to travel. They can now afford only to travel
and buy within in their own country.
> I won't forget the image of the French president hugging the
> German Prime Minister and laughing. (Middle Eastern money planted in
> French banks is said to be one reason.)
That sounds like the sort of comment one would hear from FOX news. Perhaps
it also alluded to all the supplies and equipment for WMD plants that are
alleged to have been provided to Saddam by France and Germany. Do a little
web surfing to find out what American companies and their foreign
subsidiaries have been selling him. Talk about the pot calling the kettle
> NY City restaurants have made pleas to customers to please help them
> unload French wines that are just sitting on their shelves. Good!
> Now they want to be "friends". Hm-m-m!
Look at the big picture. It's the US that has egg on its face over Iraq,
and it's going to take a long time to get over.