Katra wrote:
> Well, if you want red meat, there are always goats! Goat or lamb is
> excellent. Try the rack of lamb sometime at Outback steak house! OH
> gods it's SO good!!!!!!!
I used to eat Lamb chops - had friends who were Jordanian and they made
the best grilled lamb.
> Emu is also red meat. I have 5 of them and they are not that hard to
> raise if you have the space.
OK - HOW do you kill an emu? Shoot it? I have always wondered about
this WRT emu and ostrich farms.
> > >
> > > Seriously, you'd die of amino acid deficiencies.
> > > Infertile eggs at least are not really killing anything,
> >
> > Oh, but many a "anti-choicer" might disagree... 
> Duh?
> No rooster, no fertility.
> The egg is nothing but a food product.
I read it as "fertile"...duh on me!
> > I have a problem with BGH. We try to buy organic milk.
> Oh yeah! I know what you mean!
> I don't think it's as common as all that.
> It was causing a LOT of problems in the cows,
> so farmers got away from it.
> Monsanto can't force them to use it!
> And there is often a milk surpluss. There really is no point in using
> that crap. :-P
I know - I will have to check the local supply. It was in everything
in the Midwest when I left in '98. I've opurchased organic since, so I
don't really know if it's in the milk here (Portland, OR).
> >
> > Ringtails? Lemurs? Whuuut?
> Ringtail cats. An animal that is local and is in the weasel family.
> not had TOO much trouble with them, but have had 2 come in and had to
> trap them! I normally shoot predators but these are too damned cute
> kill! <sigh> I took them out to the lake and released them...
> http://www.desertusa.com/mag01/mar/papr/ringt.html
> Oops! I thought they were related to weasels! This article says they
> related to racoons! :-) Gotta love Google...
Wow - I never knew this animal existed and I'm an animal rights
activist...looks like a cross between a ringtailed lemur, coon and
> I did goats back in FFA in high school. :-) Avoid Alpines! They have
> strongest milk. Nubians are very personable but noisy, and have the
> highest butterfat content if you want to make butter, but the milk is
> still rather strong. Saanens are the largest and have the most milk
> production but again, it still tastes like goats milk.
> Our teacher told us that the La Manchas have the sweetest milk. I
> owned any, they were _very_ expensive to aquire, but this was back in
> the 70's. :-)
> I had Nubians and one Saanen. I've tasted Alpine milk! Ick! :-P That
> goat is only popular because it's tough as a range goat. They are
> fine for meat production.
Interesting! Goats are so cute. I love the minature ones - just
precious. I wouldn't mind having a goat for milk. We once spent time
in a cabin on the Appalachian trail - they had goats tethered in the
yard. I had such a fun time that weekend playing with them.