In article .com>,
"Pierre" > wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> <snip>> > Katra wrote:
> > > > Ok, so I have this smoker/BBQ.
> > > > It's horizontal, the fire box is low and to the left with the
> main
> > > > chamber slightly higher on the right. The smoke outlet is all the
> way to
> > > > the right, opposite the fire box.
> > > >
> > > > I've never tried smoke curing. I'd like to try smoking jerky
> rather than
> > > > just using the dehydrator.
> > > >
> > > > Does anyone have hints/advice for this? There is no built in
> temp.
> > > > guage. I'd have to buy one and put it inside the chamber.
> I've made jerkey with my horozontal offset. No trouble at all.
> My 2 centavo's:
> Build a "small" wood fire, no briquettes or petroleum starters; use
> real wood (I ike hockory and oak) and lump charcoal, fully open your
> exhaust draft, and keep an eye on it. Might run 3 hours to get it
> cooked how you like it. Don't rush it. Be sure and remove all the fat
> from your meat. Cutting it uniformly will help it all cook at the same
> rate. You might have to move it to various places around the cooking
> chamber if you find it cooks too quickly in a given section. Toward
> the end, don't feel bashful about adding some sauces, pepper flakes, or
> seasonings to your now smoked treat. Store in the fridge if you have
> any left.
> Pierre
Mm... sounds yummy! :-)
I have oak and pecan, and lots of chinaberry on top of the pile right
now. I can get the lump charcoal in mesquite around here! I can also get
mesquite smoking chips......
Gonna have to try this for sure, thanks!
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
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>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra