Darryl wrote:
> For years, there was no apple that I wanted to eat.
> The red Delicious apple was a firm, but tasteless joke.
> The Granny Smith apples were tasty, but not crisp.
> Finally, the perfect apple was produced: the Braeburn.
> It was everything I wanted in an apple.
> However, I've noticed a horrible trend in the last 2 years:
> Braeburns are getting bigger.
> They've almost tripled in size, and the color has changed. They're
> getting candy-apple red, & the size of melons.
> This wouldn't be so bad except they are getting sweeter & mushier.
> It's as if they're trying to create an apple that has the shallow
> sugar-water taste of a Delicious & the mushy consistency of a Granny
> Smith.
> They've almost achieved it. Now once more, those space-aliens
> masquerading as humans who enjoy Red Delicous apples will have one more
> Delicious clone that they can purchase. They can fill their shopping
> carts with these rather frightening mutant fruits.
> The rest of us, I guess, will go back to waiting for the corporate
> orchards to realize that they've ruined one more breed of apple by
> improving it.
> I've heard a rumor that only the French Braeburns are like this, & the
> New Zealand ones are still normal. If so, then thank you, France,
> you've gotten your revenge for EuroDisney.
My favorite has always been McIntosh. Nice crisp flesh,
wonderful flavor, sweet but still tart. I don't even
consider "Delicious" apples fit food for animals much
less humans. I have from time to time tried other varieties
including Braeburns but never found one as good as a Mac.
I don't really remember what the Braeburns tasted like but
if I had really liked them I'm sure I would have made a
note of it for future reference. Also, although I don't
like Granny Smith's for eating, all tartness and not much
actual flavor, I've never found them to not be crisp as
all get out.
Kate Connally
“If I were as old as I feel, I’d be dead already.”
Goldfish: “The wholesome snack that smiles back,
Until you bite their heads off.”
What if the hokey pokey really *is* what it's all about?