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  #9 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Looks like you got quite a few good recipes so I'll try to tempt you
with crepes instead of pancakes:

You need:
1 cup flower
3 eggs
1 bup milk
pinch of sugar
1 tblsp of clarified butter

Make sure all ingredients are room temperature. Mix together and let
the batter sit for an hour. Having a good pan is half the job - I use a
heavy non-stick fry pan. Generally you need a heavy one (even heat
distribution) with sloping sides (flipping).

Heat the pan on medium and brush with a little butter. To make the
crepes transfer the batter into a pouring cup of some kind and pour
with your right hand while moving\rotating vertically the pan with your
wrist so that the mixture spreads evenly in a circle. Shoot for as thin
a crepe as you can get. One side should be done in about 60 seconds. If
the batter is right and the pan is right the sides of the crepe will
seperate from the pan. Help it out with a spatula if you need to. Then
flip to the other side and cook for another 20-30 seconds. Flipping is
not tough at all - I move the pan back and forth a couple of times just
o make sure that the crepe is fully seperated and then make a sharp
flick with my wrist. The first few may end up on the floor or in a
sorry bunch in the middle of the pan but it's easy to master. Just in
case keep a pair of utensils near so that you can use them to unbundle
the pile in the middle of the pan if you have to.

Improvise with the filling - honey is good, any jam is good, I love
fetta with them, etc.