kilikini wrote:
> Hahabogus wrote:
>> makes about 3/4 of a cup
>> 1 teaspoon chopped garlic
>> 2-3 thai bird chiles or 1 serrano chili, choped
>> 3 tbsp sugar
>> 3 tbsp minced fresh ginger
>> 1/4 cup fish sauce
>> 2 tbsp fresh lime juice
>> 3 tbsp water
>> put garlic,chilies.sugar and ginger in a mortar and
>> pound into a paste. Transfer to a small bowl and add
>> fish sauce,lime juice and water. Stir well to combine.
>> Set aside for 15 minutes before serving.
>> Keeps several weeks in the fridge. But you lose the
>> sharpness of the ginger after overnight.
>> Good on seafood and grill chicken.
>> "Pleasures of the Vietnamese Table" Mai Pham
> WHERE DID YOU FIND THIS?!?!?! This is just about the
> exact recipe I've been looking for for a dipping sauce
> for shrimp wantons, egg rolls, spring rolls, whatever!
> Oh, you are my HERO! yay!
> If anyone else has something similar, but a different
> variation of this, bring it on! Thanks, Mr. B.
> kili
"2-3 thai bird chiles or 1 serrano chili, choped"
Are you *sure* this is what you've been looking for?
If yes, then I'm proud of you for widening your horizons. ;-)
Also, thanks to Haha for the recipe...I wasn't looking for it, but I bet
I'll use it.