Dave Smith > wrote:
> nancree wrote:
> > Ha! It worked! Our boycott of French products. In today's Drudge
> > Report there was a headline "France calls for fresh start in
> > relationship with USA."
> That's an interesting take on it, since it was Rice who went to Europe to
> try to mend the rift that happened after Germany and France refused to
> participate in Bush's war on Saddam when they remained unconvinced that
> there was enough evidence of WMDs to justify an invasion. I realize that
> it is hard for some people to admit that they were wrong, but it's been
> almost two years and no WMDs were found. France and Germany had every
> reason not to participate in this dirty little war. Friends try no to let
> their friends make fools of themselves.
France and Germany lost BILLIONS in business they were doing with
That's the only reason they wanted to let him stay in power.
> > I haven't bought French wine, or other products for a year and a
> > half. I even found a Canadian Brie cheese. And "Rouge & Noir" Brie and
> > Camembert cheeses are made in Petaluma, California, (despite their
> > French name) and are rated equal to, and even better than French
> > cheeses.
> Perhaps this is where the genius of Bush's economic program makes itself
> clear. By running the economy into the ground he has forced the value of
> the US dollar to plummet.
What is it currently vis a vis the Canadian dollar Einstein?
As a result, many Americans can no longer afford
> to buy European imports or to travel. They can now afford only to travel
> and buy within in their own country.
> > I won't forget the image of the French president hugging the
> > German Prime Minister and laughing. (Middle Eastern money planted in
> > French banks is said to be one reason.)
> That sounds like the sort of comment one would hear from FOX news.
How would you know? You're not allowed to watch it........
> it also alluded to all the supplies and equipment for WMD plants that are
> alleged to have been provided to Saddam by France and Germany. Do a little
> web surfing to find out what American companies and their foreign
> subsidiaries have been selling him. Talk about the pot calling the kettle
> black.
> > NY City restaurants have made pleas to customers to please help them
> > unload French wines that are just sitting on their shelves. Good!
> > Now they want to be "friends". Hm-m-m!
> Look at the big picture. It's the US that has egg on its face over Iraq,
> and it's going to take a long time to get over.