Michel Boucher wrote:
> "Gregory Morrow"
> <gregorymorrowEMERGENCYCANCELLATIONARCHIMEDES@eart hlink.net> wrote
> in nk.net:
> > Fifo wrote:
> >
> >> Some people certainly choose to not have sex before marriage and
> >> some even choose never to have any (not to be confused with those
> >> who don't get any but would very much like to). Some people also
> >> choose to not drink wine because it is alchohol. Some people only
> >> eat salads with diet Ranch dressing. So it certainly doesn't
> >> surprise me that someone will choose to drink fine wine from
> >> Iowa, vacation in Minetonka and eat process cheese in an effort
> >> to hurt the French. What irritates me a lot is WHY IS IT ALWAYS
> >> THE FRENCH THAT GET THE BEST DEAL???? They certainly seem to be
> >> fine with the issue of sex, they drink wine like crazy, they have
> >> the best food and now they even got rid of the annoying tourists.
> >> How is that fair??
> >
> >
> > But the frogs are the biggest America - wannabees on the face of
> > the earth, that is a fact. The fact that they are merely French
> > and not American really has to rankle them.
> I think you're confusing longtime Anglophilia of *some* Frenchmen
> with USAphilia, which is non-existent, at least not under the current
> terms.
I was just casting a bit of fishy bait around in any case ;---p