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In article .com>,
"-L." > wrote:

> Katra wrote:
> <snip>
> >
> > Well, if you want red meat, there are always goats! Goat or lamb is
> > excellent. Try the rack of lamb sometime at Outback steak house! OH

> my
> > gods it's SO good!!!!!!!

> I used to eat Lamb chops - had friends who were Jordanian and they made
> the best grilled lamb.

What spices? Any recall? :-)

> >
> > Emu is also red meat. I have 5 of them and they are not that hard to
> > raise if you have the space.

> OK - HOW do you kill an emu? Shoot it? I have always wondered about
> this WRT emu and ostrich farms.

Shooting it in the head works but is messy. :-P
They are SO primitive, they kick forever and bruise the meat!

A heart/lung shot has been found to be the most peaceful for slaughter.
No struggling. They walk a few steps as if nothing has happened, stumble
a bit and go down, then just lean over and die... I've learned to prefer
that way.

You can also catch them and do them like any other poultry, secure the
feet well, hang them up, and just cut the throat.

Of course you are talking about a 130 lb. bird that is strong and
powerful! It can be done (I've seen it done that way) but it takes two
STRONG and cooridinated men that know how to handle these birds!

> > > >
> > > > Seriously, you'd die of amino acid deficiencies.
> > > > Infertile eggs at least are not really killing anything,
> > >
> > > Oh, but many a "anti-choicer" might disagree...

> >
> > Duh?
> >
> > No rooster, no fertility.
> > The egg is nothing but a food product.

> I read it as "fertile"...duh on me!

Oh! Sorry! ;-)

> > >
> > > Ringtails? Lemurs? Whuuut?

> >
> > Ringtail cats. An animal that is local and is in the weasel family.

> I've
> > not had TOO much trouble with them, but have had 2 come in and had to

> > trap them! I normally shoot predators but these are too damned cute

> to
> > kill! <sigh> I took them out to the lake and released them...
> >
> >
> >
> > Oops! I thought they were related to weasels! This article says they

> are
> > related to racoons! :-) Gotta love Google...
> >

> Wow - I never knew this animal existed and I'm an animal rights
> activist...looks like a cross between a ringtailed lemur, coon and
> fox...

They are adorable! Smart too! The last one killed about 6 of my pigeons,
most of my quail and about 6 young poults before I managed to live trap
the little bitch! She kept springing the trap without getting caught. I
finally tied what was left of one of it's kills to the roof of the
havahart box trap so it had to work to get the bait loose! Right over
the trip pan... That worked! <eg>

The paws look just like a cats paws and they hiss, spit and growl
sounding just like a PO'd house cat! So cute... I really should have
shot it, but just could not. They are heart-meltingly cute! That and I
think they are still on the "threatened" species list.

We took it to canyon lake and released it, much to the delight of
several people at the lakeshore. :-) You really don't get to see these
that often even tho' they are native. They are very strictly nocturnal,
and roadkills of them are rare. I've seen a couple only in the past 25

One guy at the lake suspected I was releasing a domesticated animal.
<lol> Took me awhile to convince him I was not abandoning some pet! He'd
never seen nor heard of these dudes either.

> >
> > I did goats back in FFA in high school. :-) Avoid Alpines! They have

> the
> > strongest milk. Nubians are very personable but noisy, and have the
> > highest butterfat content if you want to make butter, but the milk is

> > still rather strong. Saanens are the largest and have the most milk
> > production but again, it still tastes like goats milk.
> >
> > Our teacher told us that the La Manchas have the sweetest milk. I

> never
> > owned any, they were _very_ expensive to aquire, but this was back in

> > the 70's. :-)
> >
> > I had Nubians and one Saanen. I've tasted Alpine milk! Ick! :-P That
> > goat is only popular because it's tough as a range goat. They are

> just
> > fine for meat production.
> >

> Interesting! Goats are so cute. I love the minature ones - just
> precious. I wouldn't mind having a goat for milk. We once spent time
> in a cabin on the Appalachian trail - they had goats tethered in the
> yard. I had such a fun time that weekend playing with them.
> -L.

Yeah, nanny goats are cute and personable!
Wait 'till you get to meet a breeding billy tho'! <lol>
"Nasty" critters is putting it mildly! Oh they are tame enough but,
well, you'd have to meet one to understand!

If you want to keep a nanny or two as pets and for milk, you will have
to have them bred from time to time to keep them in milk so just make
sure you stay in touch with someone with a male kept for breeding. ;-)

And give the Nanny a bath when she gets back......... <G>



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>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra