"Darryl L. Pierce" wrote:
> wrote:
> > Be my guest and do use them...its a Darwin thing!
> Too bad there's no selective pressure for credulity.
> --
> Darryl L. Pierce >
> Visit the Infobahn Offramp - <http://mypage.org/mcpierce>
> "What do you care what other people think, Mr. Feynman?"
Napoleon introduced "ALUNIMUM" (lol) to the world of
food indigestion! It's only become WORSE since, Mr. Alzheimer
was exhumed and became the leading result of cooking, eating, and
drinking from the containers made of "AL" as well! It has an ionic
affect on the brain cells and "replaces" natural and SAFE chemistry
with its lesser and more active valence. THUS a breakdown of Brain
Chemistry and subsequent loss of memories long cherished. DUH!!
"Beaten Paths are for Beaten People". -- Anon.