On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 01:16:03 -0600, Katra
> wrote:
>In article >,
> Rodney Myrvaagnes > wrote:
>> On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 03:29:14 -0600, Katra
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >Beef is ok, but there are plenty of alternatives.
>> >
>> We have local farmers that bring in lamb and bison that eat onlyt
>> grass. Both delicious. Also the ducks from Quattro's are as red meat
>> as there is.
>Mmmm... especially Muscovies. :-)
>I just got more muscovie hens so I need to get an incubator set up again.
>I'd like to raise a few for meat this year!
Yes. Quattro's raises Muscovy and Peking. The one we got Saturday was
a Muscovy. On Sunday we had duck breast grilled rare. I dismembered
the remainder, saving the leg-thigh pieces, and browned the carcass in
the oven, while rendering the fat from the skin, etc in a pot.
Yesterday I made stock using the carcass, and used some of it making
risotto with the leg/thigh pieces for dinner. Now I have a good-sized
stash of duck fat, and maybe two qts of stock.
Next Saturday I will get another muscovy, take it apart, and cure the
breast in the fridge ("duck ham") and make confit with legs and wings.
Another stock from the carcass.
I have two pheasant carcasses in the freezer. Those will become stock
for risotto or farrotto. Pheasants have still made my most successful
My feeling about poultry is increasingly that whatever we want to eat,
get a whole bird and cut off what you want. The carcass can be frozen
until you have time to make stock.
Rodney Myrvaagnes Opinionated old geezer
Brutal dictators are routinely reelected by 90+%
margins. Only in a truly advanced democracy can
one win an election by a negative 600,000 votes.