Dan Birchall wrote:
> (Fifo) wrote:
> >
> > Dan Birchall wrote:
> > > Did you (or do you) have anything to say about _this particular
> > > study_?
> >
> > I am sorry. I was planning on sharing my personal drinking and
> > habits with the world (like you did) but it simply slipped my
> Sorry, I meant my question sincerely. I'm curious to what extent the
> things you said about studies in general are (to your knowledge) true
> of this particular one.
I amd sorry too - I thought you were trying to police the content. I
was just trying to explain why Leila was seeing contradictory surveys
with respect to the effects of wine. It also struck me that I have seen
contradictions with respect to the effects of chocolate. Not so much in
terms of the benefits of the ingredients as much as whether the amounts
contained in chocolate and whether those can actually have any effect.
Personally I beleive that there is enough evidence that if something
makes you happy, happiness is good for your health so it is good too.
Of course some substances excluded.