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In article >,
Rodney Myrvaagnes > wrote:

> On Wed, 09 Feb 2005 01:16:03 -0600, Katra
> > wrote:
> >In article >,
> > Rodney Myrvaagnes > wrote:
> >
> >> On Tue, 08 Feb 2005 03:29:14 -0600, Katra
> >> > wrote:
> >>
> >> >
> >> >Beef is ok, but there are plenty of alternatives.
> >> >
> >> We have local farmers that bring in lamb and bison that eat onlyt
> >> grass. Both delicious. Also the ducks from Quattro's are as red meat
> >> as there is.

> >
> >Mmmm... especially Muscovies. :-)
> >I just got more muscovie hens so I need to get an incubator set up again.
> >I'd like to raise a few for meat this year!
> >

> Yes. Quattro's raises Muscovy and Peking. The one we got Saturday was
> a Muscovy. On Sunday we had duck breast grilled rare. I dismembered
> the remainder, saving the leg-thigh pieces, and browned the carcass in
> the oven, while rendering the fat from the skin, etc in a pot.

Muscovie meat is a bit richer than pekin duck! And the meat yield is
also better since that breed it so much larger! A full sized drake is
almost as large as a goose!

> Yesterday I made stock using the carcass, and used some of it making
> risotto with the leg/thigh pieces for dinner. Now I have a good-sized
> stash of duck fat, and maybe two qts of stock.

Oh yeah baby! :-)
Rice cooked with that stock would be excellent!

> Next Saturday I will get another muscovy, take it apart, and cure the
> breast in the fridge ("duck ham") and make confit with legs and wings.
> Another stock from the carcass.
> I have two pheasant carcasses in the freezer. Those will become stock
> for risotto or farrotto. Pheasants have still made my most successful
> rosotto.

I've done guineas, but not pheasants. They are supposed to be very

> My feeling about poultry is increasingly that whatever we want to eat,
> get a whole bird and cut off what you want. The carcass can be frozen
> until you have time to make stock.

But not too long...
Cooked meat tends to freezer burn faster!

But, that is yet another good reason to get a Tilia. <G>

> Rodney Myrvaagnes Opinionated old geezer
> Brutal dictators are routinely reelected by 90+%
> margins. Only in a truly advanced democracy can
> one win an election by a negative 600,000 votes.


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

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tend to get caught between the ears causing truth decay- so be sure
to use mental floss twice a day. -- Swami Beyondanada

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra