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In article <V_tOd.14527$uc.8393@trnddc05>,
"Rick & Cyndi" > wrote:

> "Katra"
> <snip>
> > Ok... squid prep! :-)
> >
> > First, cut off the head fairly close to the tube/body.
> >
> > Cut the tentacle ring away from the head and discard the head. Spread
> > out the center of the tentacles and make sure you remove the beak, and
> > any of the entrails you may have missed.
> >
> > Take the tube body and turn it inside out. Cut away the "guts" from the
> > body wall. (It's pretty easy to tell) and look for the clear, hard
> > "spine" in the membrane along the back. Be sure to remove it all the way
> > from top to bottom.
> >
> > Turn it back rightside out. Loosen the grayish outer "skin" (membrane)
> > from around the mouth of the tube body. Once you have it worked loose
> > all the way around, the "skin" will usually pull off all in one piece.
> >
> > Cut and prepare the meat then as desired. I don't usually bother
> > skinning the tentacles.
> >
> > Next time I do some, I'll take pictures and post the series. :-)
> >
> > Kat

> =================
> YES!!! Please take pictures next time! How cool!!
> Cyndi

Ok! :-) I promise!
I have to work this weekend, but hope to be able to go to Austin early
next week. I'll go to Fiesta and hope they have more... <lol> I'd rather
get fresh than the frozen ones from the Oriental market. Some of that
stuff has been frozen a LONG time!

Digicams are handy things! I just bought myself one for Christmas


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

As we go through life thinking heavy thoughts, thought particles
tend to get caught between the ears causing truth decay- so be sure
to use mental floss twice a day. -- Swami Beyondanada

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra