(Fifo) wrote:
> I was just trying to explain why Leila was seeing contradictory surveys
> with respect to the effects of wine.
Ugh, indeed! Those are particularly amusing (in a sad way) over time.
They begin by leaping to tremendously silly conclusions:
"People who drink a little wine are healthier, so wine is good for you."
"People who drink a lot of wine are less healthy, so wine is bad for you."
And then of course over years and years (and, I might note, a lot of
research funding... I simply must get an advanced degree so people will
throw money at me to proclaim obvious things they eventually narrow it
down and determine that... oh, what was the last one I saw? One glass of
wine every other day, I think they were saying. Which of course is still
a generalization and not optimal for some people.
Same with chocolate, I suppose. Though at least they're having the sense
to point out that anything in chocolate that might be good for you is more
likely to be in the good brands of dark chocolate, and not in some horrid
brand you can find at 7-eleven 
> Personally I beleive that there is enough evidence that if something
> makes you happy, happiness is good for your health so it is good too.
That is a good mindset to have. 
http://ChocoLocate.com/ - The Chocolate Lovers' Page, established 1994.