Thread: Brussel Sprouts
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Steve Calvin
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Beaker wrote:
> On 10 Feb 2005 04:28:31 -0800, SequoiaGiganti quoth:
>> I prepare mine like this: steam 5-10 minutes and sautee in
>>salt and butter. I'm getting tired of this delicious method, though.
>>I'm looking for inspiration for other ways to prepare them.

> Why saute? And in butter?? The less preparation they get, the crisper
> they'll be and the better they'll taste. Heh, just steam a little and
> sprinkle on some olive oil, balsamic vinegar and/or pepper. Steam some
> broccoli or carrot spears as well. Anything more than that and you
> have to wait too long to eat them.
> bkr

Yup, the vinegar is a nice change. You can have white, balsamic, cider,
malt, etc .... whatever ya like.


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