Thread: Brussel Sprouts
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Michael Odom
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On 10 Feb 2005 04:28:31 -0800, "SequoiaGiganti" >

>Hi again, how are you all doing?
>In the attempt to eating more healthy less starchy stables I am trying
>to replace starch stables such as potatoes with greens such as brussel
>sprouts (he, the look on the farmers' faces when I say I want a big bag
>of them, when they are used to people only buying a couple of
>handfulls). I prepare mine like this: steam 5-10 minutes and sautee in
>salt and butter. I'm getting tired of this delicious method, though.
>I'm looking for inspiration for other ways to prepare them.

I toss trimmed B sprouts with olive oil and Dijon mustard and roast
them in a 375F oven till they're somewhat browned on the outside and
lightly done on the inside.

You can also grill them if you have a grill topper.


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-- Jimmie Dale Gilmore