GS wrote:
> I often make puffed wheat squares for a snack for kids lunches etc.., so
> I thought I'd try the same general method and use almonds for a little
> healthier and higher protein version. I followed the same general recipe
> but subbed almonds for the puff wheat and used about 1/2 as much (3 cups
> as opposed to 6)
> This is what I did:
> on low heat mixed:
> 1/2 cup honey
> 1/2 cup natural peanut butter
> 1 cube semi sweet chocolate
> 3 scoops chocolate whey protein powder
> 3 cups whole almonds
> Then I spread the whole thing into a glass tray and let sit overnight.
> When I do this with puffed wheat it is hard as a rock by morning, but
> this time I have "globs" rather than squares. The recipe on the puffed
> wheat bag calls for corn syrup, but I have used honey (and added peanut
> butter) before and it turned out ok.
> How can I get this mixture to stiffen up a bit? I was thinking of
> reheating the whole glob, then adding oatmeal and baking perhaps?
> suggestions?
Add some oats to absorb some of the oil from the peanut butter and they
should set up.
I've been making something kind of like this lately. It's still a "work
in progress", so feel free to change the amounts of fruit or add raisins
or leave out the sunflower seeds, or whatever. I don't believe I've
made them the same way twice, but last time was particularly good:
Bob's Granola Bars
1/4 cup margarine (canola or peanut oil might work)
1/2 pound marshmallows (about 30 large)
3 cups old fashioned rolled oats
1 cup whole almond kernals
3/4 cup (?) grated coconut [estimated amount]
generous 1/2 cup sweetened dried cranberries, a.k.a. "craisins"
generous 1/2 cup diced dried turkish apricots
scant 1/2 cup wheat germ
1/2 cup roasted and salted sunflower kernals
2 cups puffed rice breakfast cereal (like Rice Krispies®)
Toast oats and almonds in a 375 degree oven. It works best if they are
in seperate bakind dishes, otherwise the oats tend to insulate and
protect the almonds from the heat.
Meanwhile, in a huge heatproof bowl, melt margarine and marshmallows in
the microwave. Stir with a big spoon to combine. Stir in the coconut,
dried fruit, sunflower seeds, and wheat germ. Next add the hot oats and
almonds. Lastly, stir in the rice cereal. It will be very sticky and
hard to mix. Spray a 9x13 glass baking pan with your favorite non-stick
spray. Transfer the sticky glop into the pan and press it down as
tightly as you can -- covering it with waxed paper while you press it
helps. Allow to sit for a half hour or so, and cut into squares when
they are no longer sticky.
Best regards,