Thread: Brussel Sprouts
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"SequoiaGiganti" > wrote in message
> Hi again, how are you all doing?
> In the attempt to eating more healthy less starchy stables I am trying
> to replace starch stables such as potatoes with greens such as brussel
> sprouts (he, the look on the farmers' faces when I say I want a big bag
> of them, when they are used to people only buying a couple of
> handfulls). I prepare mine like this: steam 5-10 minutes and sautee in
> salt and butter. I'm getting tired of this delicious method, though.
> I'm looking for inspiration for other ways to prepare them.

The best way to buy Brussels Sprouts is to buy a stalk. They are about 24-30
inches long-assuming the leaves have been trimmed off them and should have
30 or so sprouts on each plant. Twist them to get them off the stalk. You
want to look for smaller sprouts than larger ones, they are sweeter. Then
trim and pull off any yellow leaves.
Some farmers markets sell them already pulled from the stalk.
I posted 3 recipes involving the sprouts, I have others if you want them.
Growing season, at least on Long Island, is late. They are available the
most starting on late October on. They are a winter veggie.
They are relatively versatile in that they can be boiled, braised, pan
fried, steamed, etc.

These may help as well.