"Dimitri" > wrote in message
. com...
> "Nexis" > wrote in message
> news:gpPOd.34206$Yu.5727@fed1read01...
> <snip>
> > All due respect Dimitri, but my husband works hard and is out of town
> > *alot*. For example, he's been gone and without a home cooked meal for
> > of
> > the last 24 days. Making a special home cooked meal does more than just
> > make
> > him feel special...it makes him feel loved and comforted and like he's
> > truly
> > home.
> > And making a special dinner doesn't have to mean spending hours in the
> > kitchen on that day, anyway.
> >
> > kimberly
> I understand the feeling quite well. I used to spend 3 weeks a year
> (straight through) in NYC on some one else's money and when I was a buyer
> there was no place that I had not been taken to. By the time I got home I
> would have killed for a piece of Pot Roast and smushed potatoes (roasted
> with the meat and mashed with a fork on the plate and drowned with gravy).
> I also learned not to tell the wife about the great meals I had while she
> had Kraft Mac and cheese with the kids. ;-)
Now ya went and did it. You mentioned roast, and now I'm craving it. I make
a mean gravy. he he
I had to laugh when I read this part. It's kind of a running joke in our
family. My husband and his brother work together, and therefore travel
together. They love to call and tell my SIL and I what great new place they
discovered. It gets to the point where we're planning trips to go to certain
cities just to go to a round of restaurants! lol I don't mind too much
though. In fact, I'm usually the one who finds new places for them to try.
Living vicariously and all that.
> I think the people here are missing part of the point or I did not explain
> myself clearly. IMHO Romance involves 1 to 1 contact not standing in the
> kitchen watching someone whisk the butter into the Hollandaise. In this
> we have precious little time with each other especially when we are
> in the BUSINESS (yes, I know I'm yelling) of running a family especially
> when the children come along. To me it's more important to look into the
> SO's eyes and tell them what they really mean to me, or have them tell me
> just what I mean to them.
> Dimitri
Thanks for clarifying. I do understand what you're saying. The upside to my
husband's work is that he's also able to be home for long stretches at a
time and during that time we get to spend alot of time together. It's very
nice to be able to stay in bed in the morning after my daughter leaves for
school and spend time with one another. We have plenty of opportunity to say
how we feel and sometimes it's nice to do it in more than words.