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Wayne Boatwright wrote:
> On Thu 10 Feb 2005 12:50:28p, GS wrote in
>>Vox Humana wrote:
>>>"GS" > wrote in message
>>>>I often make puffed wheat squares for a snack for kids lunches etc..,
>>>>so I thought I'd try the same general method and use almonds for a
>>>>little healthier and higher protein version. I followed the same
>>>>general recipe but subbed almonds for the puff wheat and used about 1/2
>>>>as much (3 cups as opposed to 6)
>>>>This is what I did:
>>>>on low heat mixed:
>>>>1/2 cup honey
>>>>1/2 cup natural peanut butter
>>>>1 cube semi sweet chocolate
>>>>3 scoops chocolate whey protein powder
>>>>3 cups whole almonds
>>>>Then I spread the whole thing into a glass tray and let sit overnight.
>>>>When I do this with puffed wheat it is hard as a rock by morning, but
>>>>this time I have "globs" rather than squares. The recipe on the puffed
>>>>wheat bag calls for corn syrup, but I have used honey (and added peanut
>>>>butter) before and it turned out ok.
>>>>How can I get this mixture to stiffen up a bit? I was thinking of
>>>>reheating the whole glob, then adding oatmeal and baking perhaps?
>>>I don't think that substituting almonds for the cereal is going to make
>>>this more healthy. The almonds have way more fat and only a little
>>>more protein. Since you are using peanut butter (that is sweetened),
>>>semi-sweet chocolate, and honey, it is obvious that carbohydrates
>>>aren't an issues. Furthermore, since the almonds are far more dense
>>>that the puffed wheat, it is likely that a normal serving will have a
>>>lot more calories. I would think about increasing the cereal and
>>>decreasing the chocolate to make it more healthy and keeping the
>>>serving size the same. That would solve your problem and accomplish
>>>your goal.

>>Not sure where your info is coming from, but almonds have about 30G of
>>protein per cup, whereas the puffed wheat cereal I use has about 2G per
>>cup, and I want some fat in this snack, and the fat from nut's is
>>generally regarded as "good" fat. Increased calories is what I want as
>>well, and the peanut butter I use is not sweetened, ingredients are
>>"peanuts", nothing else. The chocolate I threw in as an afterthought, my
>>next batch I likely wont use it.
>>Anyway, I appreciate your response, but I still would like to know if it
>>is possible to "stiffen" up this recipe so I can take said squares with
>>me and eat in a shall we say, "neater" way.

> Nutrition aside, honey has more "water" in it than corn syrup.
> You might consider adding some non-fat dried milk to the mix to "stiffen"
> it a bit more.
> Wayne

Thanks! I have some powdered dry milk so I'll give that a whirl.

The main reason I used honey is that my wife has UC and corn syrup
upsets her stomach quite bad, and honey does not seem to.