Thread: Breakfast
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Melba's Jammin'
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In article > , Dog3
> wrote:

> I was snooping in the fridge to see what I wanted for breakfast. I am
> tired of eggs prepared *any* way. I was not in the mood for bagels,
> cereal or just about anything else. Ah HAH! I spied the left over
> rotini noodles and the container of left over sauce. It was
> wonderful. So tonight I might do breakfast for dinner.
> Michael <- had dinner for breakfast.

Good plan, Michael. I've been spending the last three days at the
hospital (look on my webpage if you care - and I DON'T care to talk
about it here - email me if you want to from the website) and have been
fixing supper when I get home. It's going on 5:00 here and I was just
thinking about what to fix. I've got some sausage left from the kids'
visit here on the weekend -- it's going to be waffles and sausage for
supper, maybe with the last of the Tater Tots. :-0) I've got one
last jar of Bonnie Madre's peach preserves that will be mighty fine on
the waffles. Rob loves waffles.
<>; Sam pics added 2-7-05
"I got the motive, which is money; and the body, which is dead!" - Rod
Steiger as Sheriff Gillespie, "In the Heat of the Night," 1967.