After returning homeon Monday night from a weekend away , and a very
tiring day of travel snafus, I had a nice poached egg on toast for
supper. Everything else I might have had would have had to either
be defrosted or purchased, and I was not in the mood for fast food.
The egg was delicious!
I've always liked "breakfast food." That is, eggs, toast, hashbrowns,
waffles, pancakes, bacon, sausage, etc etc. I always thought I was
weird for this liking when I was growing up, as many of my friends did
not. One friend disliked typical breakfast foods so much, she once
had a hot pastrami sandwich on rye with lots of mustard for breakfast
at eight a.m. in a New York City delicatessen.
Follow your bliss and your tastebuds, I guess. =o)