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  #16 (permalink)   Report Post  
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When I worked at a culinary school in San Francisco, I owned no car,
lived across the Bay, and ate everything they cooked - pastries 2x a
day, full meal at lunch, tastings of whatever. I was the thinnest I've
been in adulthood - I made a point of taking the stairs in that
multi-level building. I also rode rapid transit and took the stairs
from the platform, a long way up compared to most NY City subway
stations. I remember climbing the stairs one morning (two at a time)
while crowds of people rode the escalator next to me, and a young woman
(not fat either) sneered at me and said something loud to her friend
like "why is she doing that?", then laughed. I really didn't care, but
it seemed a strange thing to be snippy about. Um, I'm doing it for my
BTW I noticed that I was then able to hike up SF hills at a rapid pace
without breathing hard - and that out of towners on walks with me would
quickly get winded and complain. Of course I've owned a car for 9 years
now, and just don't get as much walking and stair climbing in as I did,
so I'm the one breathing hard on those hills.

And I gained 8 pounds the first month I had the car. Never lost 'em
again, either.
