On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 22:01:16 -0500, Sheryl Rosen >
>I'm tired of marinating them and grilling them.
>I'm tired of Shake-n-Bake-ing them.
>Making them with stuffing doesn't inspire me.
>I have even done them as I do a loin roast, pan roasted with onions, apples
>and apple cider. That's getting "old" too.
>The person I'm having as a dinner guest doesn't care for sauerkraut, so
>that's out.
>I know there must be a million and one ways to cook pork chops, but damned
>if I can think of any other than what I've been doing all along.
Would you consider brining them in a bitter orange brine with chipotle
powder different from marinating them?
Siobhan Perricone
Humans wrote the bible,
God wrote the rocks
-- Word of God by Kathy Mar