Sheryl Rosen wrote:
> Please help!
> I have center cut boneless pork chops in the freezer that I want to
> make over the weekend. (Yeah, I know, technically chops have a bone,
> if they are boneless they are steaks, whatever..."pork steaks" just
> sounds dumb to me).
> I'm tired of marinating them and grilling them.
> I'm tired of Shake-n-Bake-ing them.
> Making them with stuffing doesn't inspire me.
> I have even done them as I do a loin roast, pan roasted with onions,
> apples and apple cider. That's getting "old" too.
> The person I'm having as a dinner guest doesn't care for sauerkraut,
> so that's out.
> I know there must be a million and one ways to cook pork chops, but
> damned if I can think of any other than what I've been doing all
> along.
> Any ideas of something different to do with boneless loin pork
> chops,
> and accompaniments?
> Thanks!
> Sheryl
I guess it would depend on how thick they are, but why not a roast
(it's easy and you can devote your time with your guests) using
something just a bit different? As an example, how about roasting the
pork chops with sweet potatoes, using cider, dijon mustard, onion,
garlic, and herbs de provence? Or toss the cider and herbs and
substitute Coca-Cola and Worcestshire and some ground cloves? Or as
someone else posted, cutting them into strips for use in a stir-fry?
With the appropriate veggies and some spice (Thai chili paste and a
coupe of diced bird-eye chilis thrown in?), that could be great.
Tired of the grill? C'mon! Spring's a-comin', and that means
"Life is hard. Life is harder when
you're stupid". - John Wayne
"Politics is war without bloodshed while
war is politics with bloodshed" - Mao Zedong