In article >,
Hahabogus > wrote:
> "Dimitri" > wrote in
> m:
> >
> > Anyway to check the age of the eggs?
> >
> > Let us know if it continues to work the same way.
> >
> >
> > Dimitri
> >
> The eggs were bought last weekend. The large grade eggs were those flax
> fed chicken type ...up here called 'omega eggs' . I was really impressed,
> easiest peeling eggs I ever had. I have no clue where the manual went for
> the steamer...I just steamed the dozen eggs for 20 minutes and left them
> to cool in the steamer (forgot about them for 2 hours). No internal signs
> of the eggs being over cooked. Same taste as other hard boiled eggs.
> My working theory is the eggs cooked slower and that helped prevent the
> dreaded sticking shell.
It would be nice to do an experiment. Buy a dozen eggs. Put half in your
egg steamer (the experimental group) and boil half on the stove top (the
controls). See if they peel differently.
Perhaps you could get a government grant to perform this research! ;^)
Dave W.
Living in the Ozarks
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