Jed wrote:
> Last week I made my standard Chidcken Fried Steak, replacing the
> with a bone-in pork chop. Pan fried the pork chop in oil with some
> bacon drippings added, removed it from the pan and made a milk gravy
> with salt, pepper, garlic and onion powder. Served with
> mashed potatoes. Not particularly health-wise but even better, IMO,
> than using a pounded/tenderized piece of round.
> I don't see why you couldn't use the bonless pork chops, but they
> cook more quickly and dry out faster so would need more careful
> tending.
Indeed, wouldn't the boneless work better than bone-in? Pound them to
about half their thickness, season and flour them, then treat them just
as you would the chicken fried steak, taking care only not to overcook