Thread: Boston Market
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Wayne Boatwright
Posts: n/a

On Fri 11 Feb 2005 08:27:24a, Dog3 wrote in

> Wayne Boatwright > wrote in
> :
>>> Graphic Queen
>>> I went to elementary school at Marvin Elementary School and went to
>>> Pattonville High School but I graduated in 1969. I remember when they
>>> started clearing the area for Northwest Plaza. That was a long time
>>> ago.
>>> Would anyone be able to tell me hoe Bridgeton is these days since the
>>> airport bought so much land? We now RV full time and haven't been
>>> back to Missouri for close to 10 years now, living and then just
>>> spending most of our time in the southwest. We are hoping to get back
>>> to the state within the next year or so. I sure do miss White Castles
>>> and Steak & Shake. :-)
>>> GQ

>> My memory probably preceeds yours, as I graduated highschool in 1963,
>> but not in St. Louis, as we moved from there in 1956 when I was 10.
>> What I remember was Medart's Restaurant which preceeded The Cheshire
>> Inn on that site. We moved away before Medart's closed. I remember
>> White Tower restaurant, which my parents preferred going to over White
>> Castle, although I think they were probably very much alike. I also
>> remember many visits to the Steak & Shake in Clayton, their onion
>> rings and fried shrimp baskets being my favorite. I don't know if any
>> of the S&S restaurants still serve shrimp, but I doubt it. Can't help
>> you much on present day St. Louis, as I've only been back a few times
>> and not too recently.
>> Wayne

> You both must remember the Parkmoor then. My favorite Denny's type of
> restaurant only privately owned. It closed a few years ago. Walgreen's is
> putting up a new building on the property. I miss it.
> Michael

Indeed I do, but had actually forgotten it until you mentioned the name.
IIRC, the Parkmoor was a cut above a Denny's back in the day. But then, I
had a child's mind at the time.
