Read this if you missed it earlier. <G>
"Fifo" > , if that's their real name, wrote:
>Incidentally, about 15 years ago I was working in a recruiting\temp
>agency that specialized in restaurant staff, mostly waiting staff. The
>town was a major sea resort so demand during the season was quite high.
>Next door and in the same building was this matchmaking\relationship
>counseling office. So this guy turns up one morning and after some
>greetings I sit him down and start asking him the usual questions. You
>know, things like:
>- How much experience do you need this person to have?
>- What skills are important to you?
>- Do you need to do a background check on the person?
>- When do you need them to start?
>So at one point he says something like "OK, these are all fine
>questions but all I want is for her to be single, good looking and open
>minded" At that point I had to say "Wow, buddy that's not legal not to
>mention the ethical issues" So he goes "What do you mean?" and starts
>insisting that he has the right to choose and have his criteria for the
>choice. So I explain to him that that's true but that at the very least
>the government requires that he does not discriminate based on
>protected classes. He was quite amazed that the government got involved
>in this and started flat out cursing the government for sticking their
>noses into everything. So finally he says "You know this dating service
>just sucks - I am better off jsut being single"