Thread: Boston Market
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L, not -L
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On 12-Feb-2005, Wayne Boatwright > wrote:

> Could have been on Manchester. I know it wasn't in downtown Clayton. The
> particular restaurant would be rather old by now though, more than 50
> years,
> so it may have been replaced. LOL, I can even remember the booth we
> usually
> sat in.

Probably on Brentwood Blvd., just between Clayton Rd. and Manchester. The
current one is a newer building but they did a lot of "in-place" building
replacement when they eliminated curb service and went to indoor dining.

The one near Dog3 is the only Steak'nShake I can recall that still uses the
same building they did when there was curb service; they just added a small
dining area to it many years ago.

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